Statue is a straight, breathless race through hammered-note guitar heaven They haven't lost one iota of their political fearlessness or sense of humor, and that makes them all the more intriguing when compared to much of their so-called hard-rock brethren. The Zappa-schizophrenia and lyrical acumen also flows freely through Cigaro, ViolentĬocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song. bumblebee guitars lay on a bed of anti-war lyrics.

But it's just a lull before B.Y.O.B., a thrash assault pierced with rabid and incredulous screams. Side Malakian and Tankian harmonize as they do throughout the record, and Malakian's guitar has a mournful, Eastern air. Operatic-to-cookie-monster vocals (from both Serj Tankian and guitarist Daron Of heavy metal, world music of various ethnicities, freewheeling circus keyboards, It's a brilliant and dynamic musical painting Mezmerize is thrilling confrontation, a graphic reflection of a nation tearing Of A Down's previous album, 2001's Toxicity, was classicist-metal insurgence. Compared to this infuriated, intricately detailed delirium, System The first of two related albums from Armenian metallurgists Hypnotize is due Adjectives like "ambitious," "jagged," and "startling" have always defined them, and their third official full-length is no different. Just when you thought there was nothing left to be done with rock along came System